Wednesday, June 26, 2013

An American Werewolf in London

As far as I'm concerned, this is it.  This is the single greatest movie about werewolves ever made.  "An American Werewolf in London" is everything a movie could be done nearly flawlessly. 
Writer/Director John Landis had sent the last few years before AAWiL blessing the world with "Kentucky Fried Movie," Animal House," and "The Blues Brothers."  He then turned his impeccable sense of humor toward horror.  In doing so, he crafted the most touching werewolf movie you'll probably ever see.  It's as much a story of a young man dealing with the death of his best friend as it is a dark (and sometimes light) comedy.  But it's also a brilliant showcase of practical effects and gore.  There's a reason the transformation scene won an Academy Award.  There is nothing like it.  No CG werewolf will ever compare. 
Landis would carry his experience on this film into his work on Michael Jackson's "Thriller" and the hugely underwatched vampire film "Innocent Blood."
This is one of my very favorite, can-quote-the-whole-thing movies.  If you haven't seen this, get on the ball.  You're really missing out.
9 out of 10

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